Penn College News

Board Approves Parameters for 2006-07 Appropriation Request

Friday, August 19, 2005

The Pennsylvania College of Technology Board of Directors on Thursday approved parameters for the college's 2006-07 state budget request. If the funds being sought are received, Penn College will not have to increase tuition in 2006-07, President Davie Jane Gilmour said.

The request approved by the board seeks a 3.7-percent increase ($448,000) in the state appropriation for Penn College's operating budget. The board also authorized the college to request a special appropriation of slightly more than $3 million. Both requests would have to be met in order for the college to not raise tuition.

College's Board of Directors meetsPenn College's appropriation request is included in the budget request submitted to the state each year by The Pennsylvania State University.

"I'm pleased that Penn State is willing to forward this on our behalf," Penn College Board Chairman Robert E. Dunham said.

In other business, the board approved the naming of the former BiLo market property at 1127 W. Fourth St., which was purchased by the college last year. The facility will be called the Center for Business and Workforce Development. The naming is necessary for paperwork being filed with the city and for college-map purposes, Gilmour said.

The board also approved a recommendation to have the college comply voluntarily with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which established new and expanded standards relating to governance, financial controls, conflicts of interest and public-disclosure requirements for corporations having securities registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

As a nonprofit entity, the college is not subject to the act's requirements, but the administration believes it will be beneficial for the college to comply with certain provisions of the act. Robert M. Fisher, vice president for business affairs, said the changes will facilitate the "transparency of corporate governance."

Veronica M. Muzic, vice president for academic affairs/provost, made a presentation on new faculty. She said the contingent of 22 new faculty members includes two retired Air Force officers who taught at the Air Force Academy.

The launch of a nationwide search for a replacement for Muzic, who plans to retire next year, was described for the board by Gilmour. The goal is to have a first round of on-campus interviews in February or early March, followed by a second round of interviews in April. Information about the position will be sent to 5,000 colleges and universities.

The board also heard from Wayne R. Longbrake, dean of natural resources management, about the structure of the School of Natural Resources Management. The school hosted the board meeting at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center campus.

David L. Evans, professor of biology and chairman of College Council, updated the board on the recent activities and accomplishments of the Internal Governance System.

Gilmour told the board that 3,200 people are expected on campus this weekend for new student Orientation activities: 1,300 students and 1,900 parents.