Penn College News

Staff Reminded of Annual Professional-Development Requirement

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

With employee evaluations taking place and the new fiscal year right around the corner, it?s time to consider the college's new professional-development initiative.

The initiative calls for all staff to participate ineight hours of annual job-focused professional development. During the annual appraisal, staff are to discuss with their supervisors plans for professional-development activities. Please use the link on the Professional Development Web site as a resource to assist in identifying activities.

The site will list the regularly scheduled campus offerings occurring at the start and end of semesters.

The on-demand function allows you to sign up for courses that will be scheduled to fit your schedule. You also can use it to suggest training!

A new feature is online courses offered throughtheemployee assistance program, Employee Services.The collegealsois working with another vendor, ULiveandLearn, to accessan online catalog of professional-development courses. Stay tuned! A wide variety of topics will be available.

Finally, if there is something you are looking for and cannot find, let us know and we will try to help. CallHenryk R. Marcinkiewicz,associate vice president for academic affairs, atext. 7912.