Penn College News

Nursing Faculty Present Lectures at National Conference

Friday, June 10, 2005

Matthew P. and Janet McMahonA married couple who teach nursing at Pennsylvania College of Technology presented lectures recently at Drexel University National Education Institute.

Janet and Matthew P. McMahon were "Distinguished Faculty" at the conference, held June 3-5 in Atlantic City, N.J.

Janet McMahon is an associate professor of nursing at Penn College. Her presentations were titled: "Nursing Diagnosis: Clinically Deficient/At Risk for Failure," and "Treatment of the Nursing Diagnosis: Clinically Deficient/At Risk for Failure."

Matthew P. McMahon represented Mercy Hospital of Wilkes-Barre, where he is the director of emergency and outpatient services. He is also an adjunct nursing-faculty member at Penn College. He presented the topic: "Nursing Shortage: Increasing Demands on Both of Us; 'What Can We Do?' An Employer's Perspective."

Approximately 450 nurses and nurse educators attended the national conference this year. The event is designed both for nursing faculty teaching students and nurses teaching fellow professional nurses to learn practical educational tools.

The McMahons reside in Williamsport and are the parents of three children, James, Sean and Meghan.

For more information about academic programs offered by the School of Health Sciences at Penn College, call (570) 327-4519, e-mail or visit on the Web .