Penn College News

'Trash-to-Treasure' Sale Raises $1,400

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Saturday's Penn College/United Way "Trash to Treasure" Sale was another huge success. The event raised $1,400 (a more-than-25-percent increase over proceeds from last year) and provided the American Rescue Workers with truckloads of donations and food.

This event would not have been possible without the generous support of those Penn College students and employees that donated their items to this cause, volunteered their time for this activity or attended the event.

A special "Thank you" goes out to those who went above and beyond the call of duty in making this event such a success:

  • Walt Nyman and Don Luke and their staff from General Services
  • Chris Miller and his officers from the Penn College Police Department
  • Tom Gregory and Loverna Parron from the School of Construction and Design Technologies
  • Darya Rotblat and Jolene Furl from the Residence Life Office
  • Dennis Correll and Joann Kay
  • Joe Yoder, Heidi Mack, Elaine Lambert and Tom Wilson from the Office of College Information and Community Relations
  • Lisa Worth and Mike Stanzione from the Athletics Deparment
  • Linda Sweely and Rick Wyland from the Food Services Department

This event is just one more way that Penn College contributes to the Williamsport/Lycoming County community. Thank you for making us Penn College Proud!