Penn College News

Awards Presented to Staff, Part-Time Faculty

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

From left, Kindell N. Snyder, Part-Time Teaching Excellence Award winner%3B Jeri L. Moser, Distinguished Staff Award winner for Classified employees%3B Susan B. Deuel,  Distinguished Staff Award winner for APT employees%3B and Dale E. Henne, Distinguished Staff Award winner for Service employees. Pennsylvania College of Technology presented "Distinguished Staff" and "Part-Time Teaching Excellence" awards Wednesday and honored retirees and the newest members of the college's "Quarter-Century Club."

The Distinguished Staff Awards, now in their 10th year, recognize the contributions of Penn College's full-time employees, who are nominated for the honors by their peers. Awards were presented to one employee from each of the college's three staff classifications: APT (Administrative, Professional and Technical); Classified; and Service.

Awards were presented to Susan B. Deuel, technical support manager for Information Technology Services, APT; Jeri L. Moser, secretary to the assistant dean of liberal arts in the School of Integrated Studies, Classified; and Dale E. Henne, carpenter/maintenance worker at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center, Service.

Deuel began her employment with the college in November 1998 as a technical support analyst. In March 2000, she became a manager of instructional computing. She assumed her current duties in July 2001.

Of Deuel, her principal nominator wrote: "Ms. Deuel has all of us convinced that we are her No. 1 customer. For all of the departments with labs (that) she coordinates, she has done a phenomenal job, handling problems with poise, competence and the sense of urgency we all appreciate. ... Ms. Deuel does not understand the meaning of 'can't.' Her insightful and tenacious approach to rectifying our problems often comes from ingenious ideas... She has earned my respect and trust many times over."

Moser began her employment with the college in January 2002.

Of Moser, her principal nominator wrote: "Jeri Moser has been essential to the successful functioning of the Integrated Studies Office during this year of transition, change and continuing growth. She always provides quality assistance to students, faculty and staff.... What each person does within an organization is important. Yet, there are always those who go well above and beyond what is required of them just for the sake of doing the job well. Jeri is an exemplar of this type of person."

Henne began his employment with the college in July 2000.

Of Henne, his principal nominator wrote: "His knowledge seems to have no limits, and his patience is astounding. He has moved, removed and reconfigured nearly every area on our Earth Science Campus as we continue to grow and change. Those of us who work with Dale on a daily basis know how deserving he is of this award. Penn College, specifically the School of Natural Resources Management, is fortunate to have benefited from his expertise, dedication and resourcefulness."

A Part-Time Teaching Excellence Award was presented to Kindell N. Snyder, an instructor of mathematics at Penn College since 1989. Snyder earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics and her secondary-teaching certification from Penn State.

Of Snyder's teaching abilities, a student nominator wrote: "Through 14 years of school, I have hated math. After taking one semester with Miss Snyder, my attitude has been forever changed. She helped me take the mystery and angst out of math, build my performance level and accomplish goals I never thought possible. I would have never dreamed that I would one day love to do math. Miss Snyder has made that possible."

Quarter-Century Club members honored at the reception for 25 years of service to the College are: Barbara A. Danko, director of alumni relations; Roy P. Fontaine, professor of psychology; Thomas A. Linn, maintenance mechanic, carpenter, locksmith and engraver; Florence M. Peterson, toolroom attendant, machine shop; and Robert M. Vaughn, assistant professor of welding.

Retiring Penn College employees honored at the reception are: Joe Carter, maintenance mechanic; Gary G. Clark, manager of shipping/receiving services; Daniel J. Doyle, professor of history; Bernadette Eck, secretary to the vice president for academic affairs/provost; Sarajane Hammond, programmer analyst; Ruth L. King, telephone service specialist; John W. Miller, faculty, computer science; James Potter II, faculty, building construction technology; Lorraine J. Sontheimer, custodian; Barbara A. Voss, library audiovisual services specialist; Charlie Whitford Sr., programmer analyst; and Donald E. Zeigler, custodian.