Penn College News

Pilot Brings Home-Built Aircraft, Equipment Donation to Aviation Center

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Barry Stump and his DA-2A On Wednesday, Barry Stump visited Lumley Aviation Center with his home-built Davis DA-2A aircraft. Stump spent 13 years building the all-metal monoplane, which he completed in 2000. The DA-2A has four seats, a top speed of 165 mph and cruises at 120 mph. An unusual feature of this aircraft is the fuselage design. At cruise speeds, wings only create 70 percent of the lift. The fuselage acts like a wing, and creates the other 30 percent. Stump flew here to donate a Wag-Aero ICS Plus communication and navigation system with built-in intercom, which aviation students can use as an example of how multiple avionics systems can be integrated. ( Photo and information provided by Thomas D. Inman, associate professor of avionics)