Penn College News

Saudi Students Observe Paramedic Class

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

From left, Abdullah Al Bahrani, Essa Al Najrani and Abdulmajed Al Malki (in knit cap) observe a Paramedic classThree students from Saudi Arabia who will enter the Paramedic program at Penn College arrived on campus Thursday, and, on Tuesday, observed classes. The students are being trained here through funding from Houston-based Aramco Services Co. ASC is a wholly owned affiliate of Saudi Arabian Oil Co. The students will take some introductory courses, such as English as a second language, before beginning Paramedic courses in Fall 2005 with other first-year Paramedic students. After earning their associate's degrees from Penn College, the students will work as paramedics in the emergency room of Saudi Aramco's 500-bed facility in Saudi Arabia. Penn College has provided paramedic training for Saudi Aramco-sponsored students for the past four years.