Penn College News

Employees to Receive New ID Cards With Dec. 10 Pay

Monday, December 6, 2004

Pennsylvania College of Technology has begun the final phase of its project to replace Social Security numbers as the primary identifier. Beginning Jan. 1, the College will use PCT ID numbers to identify students, faculty and staff.

New identification cards bearing the PCT ID are being distributed to the entire campus population. Distribution to students began in early November and will continue through the end of the semester. Employees will receive their new cards with their Dec. 10 paychecks and direct-deposit slips.

The activation date for the new cards will fall between Dec. 19 and Jan. 1. Employees and students should carry both the old and new cards during the last two weeks of December.

Beginning Dec. 20, the College will begin converting all computerized systems to the new PCT ID. The Meal Plan system will be converted on Dec. 20. The AS/400 system will be converted Dec. 27-28 (the system will be offline from 2 a.m. Dec. 27 through late evening Dec. 28). The bookstore system was converted in November, but will not use PCT IDs until January.

Most business processes that previously used SSN as a primary identifier have been changed to reflect the use of the new Penn College ID. Forms now request either PCT ID or Student/Employee ID number rather than SSN.

Employees should carry their Penn College ID cards with them at all times while on campus. Some of the processes and services that will require employee PCT IDs rather than Social Security numbers are:

  • Blue time sheets and time clock scanners for part-time and overtime pay
  • Tuition reimbursement forms (requires both the employee ID and student ID)
  • Dining units (meal plans)
  • Campus vending and off-campus merchants for Wildcat Plus Plan users
  • Bookstore discounts
  • Library checkout
  • Student Activities trips and Fitness Center memberships
  • Workforce Development and Continuing Education and professional-development class scheduling
  • Leave requests
  • Parking hanger purchases
  • Payroll deduction forms
  • Key pickup at College Police
  • If building access is restricted, there will be no entry without proper ID

Employees also should be aware of how this change will affect students. In addition to presenting their Penn College ID cards for many of the items listed above, students will need their ID cards to:

  • Use account credits in the College Store
  • Schedule classes in person or on the Student Information System
  • Pay bills at Student Accounts Office
  • Access SIS
  • Pick up refund checks