Penn College News

RHA Sponsoring 'Halloween Fun' in Penn's Inn

Monday, October 25, 2004

Costumed children paraded through on-campus housing last year%3B the Residence Hall Association will expand the activities with an afternoon of 'Halloween Fun' in Penn's Inn on Sunday. (Photo provided by RHA)Penn College faculty, staff and students are invited tobring their youngsters (ages 2 to 10 years) for a night of "Halloween Fun" sponsored by the Residence Hall Association.

In the past, RHA has held trick-or-treating in the campus residence halls but, this year, decided to provide more activities for the children. The "Halloween Fun" event will be held from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31, in Penn's Inn (Bush Campus Center, second floor).

The event will include painting pumpkins, a candy scramble, a costume parade and much more. Have your youngsters come in costume and be ready for a fun time filled with prizes and activities. (Feel free to come and go as your youngsters please.)