Penn College News

Campus Bloodmobile Visit Aims to Boost Critically Low Supplies

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

A College-record turnout of 300 donors is sought for today's Red Cross Bloodmobile, which willvisit Penn's Inn (CC, second floor) from 9:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.

Many ask, "What good can I do?" Take a look at this personal story of saving a life:

Greetings Penn College Community. For all who continue to faithfully donate blood, I thank you. For those that are contemplating, I urge you to help out. If you have ever wondered where your blood goes, I can tell you that some of your blood goes to place like Children's Hospital of Philadelphia where my son has been treated these past months for Liver Cancer. Over the past several months, Spencer has received blood transfusions 7 different times. Without the blood he received from donors like you, he would never have made it this far. During his recent surgery he received 3 units of blood before, during, and after. In addition to whole blood, Spencer has received blood products to help keep his counts at safe levels. On behalf of my family, I thank you for donating blood today.

Gratefully yours, Matt Branca Director of the College Store

The Red Cross believes "the College community is always a supportive and generous group that consistently has donors numbering 150-200. Penn College is the largest single contributor to the Red Cross" in Tioga, Clinton and Lycoming counties.

Campus Bloodmobile takes aim at critical shortageThis Bloodmobile visit is part of a countywide effort to attract more donors to help replenish critically low blood supplies in the area; all faculty/staff, students, groups and organizations are urged to donate.

In order to recognize everyone who participates, each donor will fill out a raffle ticket. In coordination with the Student Government Association, each person who donates on behalf of an organization will earnfive SGA Cup points for his/her organization of choice. The limit for each organization will be 100 points, or 20 volunteers/donors. Each organization will have tickets in its student organization mailbox to distribute to the College community in an effort to get another person to give on its behalf. (The Health Services Officewill use these tickets to track student involvement and award SGA Cup points).

Each person who donates successfully will be entered into a drawing to win a variety of prizes donated from the Red Cross and the campus community. D onors also will receive free pizza and soda.