Penn College News

ITS in High Gear During Summer Months

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Information Technology Services kicks into high gear every summer, working on projects that require empty classrooms and reduced network traffic. Some projects are behind-the-scenes maintenance and upgrades, while others have a perceptible impact on the campus community. Among the improvements and new services for Fall 2004 are:

  • Additional Wildcat Wireless hot spots covering the entire ACC building
  • Enhanced student e-mail system
  • Optional charges for parking and Fitness Center membership available through SIS
  • Orientation Registration system for Student Activities
  • New time clock system for Hospitality
  • Roughly 300 new computers in labs and offices across campus
  • Upgraded sound and multimedia systems in the ACC Auditorium
  • Digital projection equipment for the new ATHS Sun computer lab
  • New projection equipment throughout the ACC and in many ATHS classrooms
  • Print auditing system that supports the newly implemented student printing quota
  • Webfood online food ordering system for the Wrapture dining facility (located in the ACC)

Just because the semester is under way, however, does not mean the work is over for ITS.

Ongoing projects include: the Social Security number/Penn College ID conversion, new VPN Wildcat Wireless security system, and new online form to replace the Relief of Accountability paper form. Watch PCToday for updates on these and other initiatives as the semester progresses.

If you have questions about any of the specialized services mentioned above, please contact the appropriate department (such as Food Services for questions about Webfood). All other questions can be directed to the ITS Help Desk at ext. 7329.