Penn College News

Bloodmobile Tops Goal by More Than 30 Pints

Thursday, August 19, 2004

A giving Penn College community truly made a difference at the Red Cross Bloodmobile on Wednesday, donating a total of 133 pints surpassing the goal of 100 pints set for the emergency on-campus collection.

A total of 170 people registered to donate, including 14 first-timers.

Student Health Services thanksall the students, staff, faculty and volunteers that made the Bloodmobile such a successful event.

"We all expect blood to be there for us, but barely a fraction of those who can give do," said Carl L. Shaner, Student Health Center director."Yet, sooner or later, virtually all of us will face a time of great vulnerability in which we will need blood. And that time is all too often unexpected."

Donations help a variety of patients in need, he added, explaining blood usage varies depending on the type of surgery or illness and whether there are complications.

Mark your calendars now: The next Bloodmobile on campus will be from 9:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13 in Penn's Inn (CC, second floor), part of the annual competition with Lycoming College. The American Red Cross, in collaboration with Student Health Services, hopes to reachmore than200 donors from the College community.