Penn College News

College Awarded $40,000 Grant for Factory Built Housing Center

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Pennsylvania College of Technology has been awarded a $40,000 grant from the Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central and Northern Pennsylvania to further develop a Factory Built Housing Center at the College.

The grant will be used to strengthen workforce development and incorporate research results into training initiatives for industry.

The center is being developed with support from industry leaders, who see it as a critical component to the long-term success of their firms, said Dennis E. Gilbert, director of Workforce Development & Continuing Education at Penn College. Organizations that value their knowledge capital and place an emphasis on continuing education will thrive as the economy slowly recovers, Gilbert said.

The $40,000 grant is being matched with in-kind contributions from the College and funds from industry stakeholders. The Harrisburg-based Modular Building Systems Association contributed $15,000 to be used over the next 18 months and has emphasized its interest in developing online tools to support industry training efforts.

The Pennsylvania Manufactured Housing Association also has been a strong advocate for the center by providing in-kind contributions and being a leadership member, which requires a minimum of $2,500 in annual membership fees. The center's membership fees start at $100 annually.

The Factory Built Housing Center will operate out of WDCE's Reach Road facility in Williamsport.