Penn College News

Fall 2003 Enrollment at Penn College Sets Another Record

Monday, September 29, 2003

Enrollment at Pennsylvania College of Technology, a special-mission affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University, has established another record this fall.

Based on third-week enrollment totals − those traditionally used by colleges and universities to track changes in the student population the total enrollment of 6,255 for the Fall 2003 semester is the largest in the institution's history and represents a 4.9-percent increase over Fall 2002. The full-time equivalent enrollment also set a record, rising 5.7 percent to 5,729.

The enrollment of students in bachelor-degree programs rose 5.5 percent this fall to 2,183 and now represents 35 percent of all enrollments at Penn College.

"We are gratified that so many students have chosen Penn College as the place to continue their education and prepare for meaningful careers," said Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, president of the College. "We are also mindful that such growth poses new challenges. With the opening this fall of College Avenue Labs and Rose Street Apartments, the institution is better positioned to meet those challenges, and we continue to prepare diligently for future growth."

The 104,000-square-foot College Avenue Labs facility (the former HON Industries manufacturing plant) houses the Collision Repair, Automated Manufacturing and Civil Engineering programs and features technology-enhanced large-group-instruction areas to be used by all students at the College. The addition of the 370-bed Rose Street Apartments brings the total number of beds available in on-campus, College-owned-and-operated student housing to more than 1,400. The College also has begun a $9 million renovation project at the historic Klump Academic Center and will construct a new $13 million library at its main entrance, to be completed by 2005.

Female enrollment at the College is 35 percent this fall, having increased each of the past three years. Female students represented the majority in the School of Health Sciences (81 percent) and Integrated Studies (58 percent). Female students also account for 60 percent of the enrollment in distance and outreach education programs.

Minority enrollment at the College has increased 7 percent to 322. Minority enrollment proportions were highest in the Schools of Integrated Studies (7.7 percent), Business and Computer Technologies (6.1 percent), Transportation Technology (5.8 percent), and Health Sciences (5.2 percent).

The average student age (22.9) is decreasing. The 20-24 age group experienced the largest gain of any category at the College 13 percent. The average age of part-time students (31.1) is higher than the average age of full-time students (21.3). Full-time students represent 83 percent of the population. The average age for female students at the College is 25.1, versus 21.8 for males.

In-state enrollment at Penn College rose 4.5 percent to 5,784. Out-of-state enrollment rose 10.2 percent to 433. The largest contributing states were New Jersey, 135; New York, 113; Maryland, 64; Virginia, 32; Connecticut, 21; and Ohio, 12. International enrollment rose from 33 to 38 and now represents 20 different nations.

Lycoming County enrollment rose from 1,489 to 1,501. Other areas of Pennsylvania showing increased enrollment are: Northeastern, 852 (10.2 percent); Southeastern, 990 (9.6 percent); Central, 873 (8.4 percent); Western, 268 (9.8 percent).

The School of Business and Computer Technologies continues to enroll the largest number of students at the College with a full-time equivalent enrollment of 1,160. The remaining seven schools Construction and Design Technologies, Health Sciences, Hospitality, Industrial and Engineering Technologies, Integrated Studies, Natural Resources Management, and Transportation Technology all experienced an increase in the number of credit hours this fall.

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