Penn College News

Fall Lecture Series Continues With Holocaust Speaker's Appearance

Friday, September 12, 2003

Nesse Godin, who survived a concentration camp, labor camps and a death march during World War II, will present "Surviving the Holocaust" when Pennsylvania College of Technology's Fall 2003 Lecture Series continues on Tuesday, Sept. 23.

All of the Lecture Series programs are free and open to the public. The lectures begin at 8 p.m. at Penn's Inn on the second floor of the Bush Campus Center at Penn College.

Godin was 13 when the Nazis invaded her home in Shauliai, Lithuania. She survived Stutthof Concentration Camp in Poland, four labor camps and a death march before being liberated in 1945. She is co-president of the Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Friends of Greater Washington and is a founding member of several survivor groups. She serves on the board of the Jewish Community Council and the United Jewish Appeal Federation.

She has been a speaker for The Capitol Children's Museum of Washington, D.C., and works regularly with the United States Holocaust Museum. Godin has appeared on many TV and radio programs including "In Memory of Millions," hosted by Walter Cronkite; "Beyond Hate," with Bill Moyers; and "Tolerance in America."

On Tuesday, Oct. 28, the series continues with a program offered by Dr. Jack Levin entitled "Overkill: Serial Murder Exposed." The nationally renowned expert on serial killers will examine the motives of killers like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy. Levin's presentation relies on firsthand experiences with serial killers, their families and surviving victims, as well as his work as a consultant in serial-murder investigations and trials.

Levin is director of Northeastern University's Brudnick Center on Violence and Conflict and has written or co-written 18 books, including "Mass Murder: America's Growing Menace," "Hate Crimes: The Rising Tide of Bigotry and Bloodshed," "Overkill: Mass Murder and Serial Killing Exposed," and "Killer on Campus."

He has appeared on TV programs such as "ABC World News Tonight," "CBS Evening News," "48 Hours," "Good Morning America," "Larry King Live," "NBC Nightly News," "Oprah," "Today," "20/20" and "Unsolved Mysteries." He has also served as an expert witness in numerous trials.

On Tuesday, Nov. 11, Jack Shaheen, the author of "Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People," will present "Shattering Stereotypes: Images of the Cultural Other."

Shaheen, a former CBS News consultant on Middle East affairs and professor emeritus of mass communications at Southern Illinois University, will demonstrate the hurtful impact of stereotypes and caricatures on Asians, African Americans, Latinos and others. He explains why such portrayals persist in the media and offers solutions to change misperceptions. Shaheen has appeared regularly on "Good Morning America," "Nightline" and "Today."

For more information, call the Student Activities Office at Penn College (570) 327-4763, send e-mail or visit online.