Penn College News

Technology Transfer Center to Offer Hatha Yoga Asana Workshop

Thursday, October 3, 2002

Pennsylvania College of Technology's Technology Transfer Center will offer a special four-hour Hatha Yoga Asana Workshop on Saturday, Nov. 2, taught by two certified yoga instructors.

The session will be held from 8 a.m. to noon in the Mountain Laurel Room of the Thompson Professional Development Center on the main campus of Penn College.

The combined experience and knowledge of the yoga instructors makes the workshop a unique opportunity for those new to yoga, as well as those interested in comprehensive yoga asana instruction.

The workshop will provide highly individualized instruction and personal attention in the art and science of hatha yoga. It also will offer a framework for developing a personal yoga asana (postures) practice. In this intensive practice, participants will learn the basics of yoga asana, pranayama (breathing), the typical sequencing of asana and how to experience deep relaxation.

Instruction will be provided by Virna Lisa Steele and Nathan Steele, co-founders of Bio/Alchemy: Life Transformation Yoga Studio of Honesdale.

Virna Steele is a certified yoga teacher (Himalayan Institute Teachers Association) and personal trainer (American Council on Exercise and the National Academy of Sports Medicine). She has practiced yoga for many years, taught group classes for the past 13 years and is a third-degree Reiki Practitioner. Her innovative approach combines yoga, ayurveda (health science) and conventional physical-training techniques. She has taught health, fitness and yoga in public schools on the lower-east side of Manhattan, Central Harlem and Hancock, N.Y.

Nathan Steele is a certified yoga teacher and massage therapist. He is a longtime hatha yoga practitioner and has spent the past year teaching at the Himalayan International Institute. His teaching experience includes 24 years with the National Outdoor Leadership School as a field instructor and program supervisor. Steele's experience in teaching, coaching, outdoor expeditions and group dynamics as well as his leadership skills in a variety of environments are demonstrated in his practical, inclusive presentation style.

Cost for the workshop is $25. To register or receive more information, call the TTC at (570) 327-4775