Penn College News

'e-Commerce Summer Camps' Available for Students, Teachers

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Web-site design, development and marketing; business-plan development; and career opportunities in e-commerce are just a few of the topics that students and teachers can explore when Pennsylvania College of Technology's Technology Transfer Center offers free "e-Commerce Summer Camp" sessions next month.

Weeklong camps will be available for middle- and high-school students, and a two-day camp will be offered for teachers. Seating is limited, and all three camps are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no fee for any of the camps.

The student e-Commerce Summer Camps will be held in the Breuder Advanced Technology and Health Sciences Center on Penn College's main campus, with an optional field trip planned to a technology-related business on Friday afternoon. The teacher e-Commerce Summer Camp will be held at the Business and Technology Resource Center, 2401 Reach Road, Williamsport.

The e-Commerce Summer Camp for high-school students will take place June 10-14, and the camp for middle-school students will be offered June 17-21. The camp for teachers will be held June 25-26.

Those attending the camps will learn how to develop their own Web-biography pages, explore effective Web-navigation techniques, work with graphics, create online forms, learn file transfer protocol and publish Web sites to a live Web server.

Prerequisites for the camps include familiarity with basic computing, the Windows operating system and basic word processing.

The e-Commerce Summer Camps are supported, in part, by funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Link-to-Learn Project.

To register for the camps or to receive more information, call (570) 327-4775 or send e-mail.

Penn College's Link-to-Learn e-Commerce Web site can be accessed here.