Penn College News

Phi Beta Lambda Competitors Take Top Honors at State Conference

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Members of Pennsylvania College of Technology's Phi Beta Lambda chapter registered seven first-place finishes at the Phi Beta Lambda State Leadership Conference in Harrisburg on April 12-13.

PBL is the postsecondary division of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda Inc., a national nonprofit educational association of students preparing for careers in business or business-related fields.

The following Penn College PBL students placed first in their competition categories:

Diana J. Shoemaker, Millmont, Quantitative Methods and Who's Who in PBL; Chris C. Randall, Falmouth, Va., Public Speaking; Anthony T. Eisenhour, Middletown, and Alex Kantor, Harrisburg, Web Site Development; Christopher E. Barsis, New Columbia, Computer Applications; and Cheryl S. Wheeler, Tioga, Telecommunications.

In addition, the College chapter took first in the Phi Beta Lambda Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit competition, and Danielle N. Caccia, Mildred, registered a third-place finish in Word Processing.

The winners are eligible to vie in the PBL National Leadership Conference, scheduled for June 23-26 in Nashville, Tenn.

In addition, Randall was chosen as vice president, and Eisenhour was appointed reporter for Pennsylvania Phi Beta Lambda.