Introduction to Surgical Technology & Patient Care Concepts


Introductory surgical technology theory related to healthcare facilities, hospital organizations, management, job responsibilities, and the physical environment. Emphasis on ethical, moral, and legal responsibilities; patient-care concepts; and critical elements of surgical procedures. Study and discussion of perioperative patient care concepts, including assessment of the patient's response to illness and hospitalization; assessment of the patient's physical, spiritual, and psychological needs; issues surrounding quality care, informed consent, and legal/ethical concerns; basic patient chart components; assessment and response to special population patients; the physical design and needs of the surgery department; identification of potential hazards; review of basic operating room safety; preoperative routines; documentation; and post anesthesia care. Additionally, the basic definitions of electricity and robotics along with their applications in the operating room are discussed. Theory and application of the CARE approach are utilized. Spring Only.

2 Credits: 2 Lecture

SGT107, SGT110
