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HSJ Human Services & Restorative Justice Application Elective
- DCP200 - Science of Substance Abuse & Addiction
- DCP201 - Promotion and Prevention of Substance Use & Abuse
- DCP202 - Comprehensive Treatment of Drug Abuse & Addiction
- DCP203 - Advocacy & Social Policy Approaches to Addressing Substance Use & Abuse
- EDU130 - American Sign Language I (Electives:SSE)
- GLB255 - Pioneers & Paradigms of Psychology in Europe
- HSJ215 - Introduction to Corrections
- HSJ250 - American Law Enforcement
- PSY204 - Psychological Disorders & Treatments (Electives:SSE)
- PSY210 - Child Psychology (Electives:SSE)
- PSY225 - Psychological Disorders of Childhood (Electives:SSE)
- PSY241 - Social Psychology (Electives:SSE)
- SOC242 - Criminology (Electives:SSE)