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ABC Collision Repair Elective
- ABC180 - Collision Repair Technology Internship
- ABC181 - Auto Graphics (Electives:ART)
- ABC182 - Automotive Aero-enhancements
- ABC220 - Automotive Restoration & Modification
- ACC113 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
- ACC210 - Payroll, State & Local Taxation
- MGT249 - Small Business Management
- RST100 - Automotive History in the 20th Century (Electives:STS)
- RST115 - Vintage Automotive Mechanical & Applications I
- RST120 - Automotive Research & Design
- RST130 - Vintage Metal Fabrication & Applications I
- RST150 - Automotive Restoration Internship
- RST185 - Automotive Upholstery
- RST205 - Vintage Metal Fabrication & Applications II
- RST215 - Vintage Automotive Final Assembly & Applications