Evaluating Professional Nursing Practice


Exploration of professional nursing practice to facilitate growth and development of the registered nurse (RN). Varied learning activities engage students in providing nursing care for patients across the lifespan and the continuum of care. Topics include civility in the workplace, professional integrity, and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) standards. Reflection of the RN’s current level of nursing practice and use of evidence-based practice to improve health outcomes are utilized to enhance professional practice. Independent clinical practice experiences include ten hours of direct and/or indirect care, such as clinical projects, interventions, or actions on behalf of patients, are designed collaboratively with the course instructor to provide opportunities to apply baccalaureate level professional nursing practice. Completion of part one of a three-part scholarly capstone requirement focuses on evaluating the RN’s current level of nursing practice and the use of evidence-based practice to improve healthcare outcomes.

3 Credits: 3 Lecture
