Alison Diehl

Vice President for Workforce Development

Alison Diehl

Alison Diehl is responsible for the overall leadership and vision for Penn College’s Workforce Development department, which develops and delivers comprehensive workforce recruitment and retention solutions for companies in multiple business sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, and energy. Workforce Development houses the Clean Energy Center, the Plastics Innovation and Resource Center, the Apprenticeship Center, Penn College’s WEDnet PA partner, and programs focused on advanced manufacturing and industrial training, practical nursing, and emergency management services.

Alison brings over 15 years of experience in workforce development focused on the energy efficiency sector. Her background includes executive leadership, business development, program management, public speaking, and continuous improvement initiatives. She is experienced in collaborating with a diverse array of educational institutions, government, industry, and non-profits. When she is not at work, you can find Alison floating in a kayak and enjoying other outdoor activities with her family in the beautiful Pennsylvania Wilds.