EMT Registration

Serving as a crucial connection between emergency sites and the healthcare network, EMTs contribute significantly to the continuum of care for those in need.
EMT Registration

Registration Closed

Spring 2025 registration closed on December 10. Details for the next open session are coming soon.


We offer Emergency Medical Technician at two different locations: Penn College Main Campus and Evangelical Community Hospital.


Penn College Main Campus

Tuesday & Thursday
01.14.25 through 05.08.25

Evangelical Community Hospital

Monday & Wednesday
01.13.25 through 05.07.25


More Information

Payment after registration

Please be aware that filling out the following registration does not complete the entire registration process.

You will need to provide payment to secure your seat in the class. Please do so in a timely manner; seats are secured on a first-come, first-served basis.

Third-party payment form.


Cost of program is $1150.

Includes textbooks and Navigate Premier Access for Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured.


Any questions regarding the registration process of the course in general can be directed to lrf7@pct.edu.

Special Requirements

Admissions & Program Requirements

  • 16 years of age or older (Parental/Guardian Consent Required).
  • Computer with high-speed Internet access (capable of streaming video).
  • 10 Patient Contacts through program-approved locations. Students may complete 5 with their home agency.
  • Obtain PSP, ChildLine, and FBI fingerprint clearances. (ALL 3 are required).
  • Obtain a minimum of 75% on program exams and a 75% overall course grade.
  • Complete 50+ hours video-based online lecture and 100 hours in-person practical sessions.
  • Meet attendance requirements for the program.
  • Successfully complete the practical content taught during in-person sessions.
  • Completion of course co-requisites required by the PA Department of Health: ICS 100; IS 700; HazMat Awareness Level (must be less than 1 year old at time of NREMT testing). 
