penn college scholarships

James E. and Darla B. Logue Scholarship

Awarded by Darla B. Logue

James and Darla were faculty members at Penn College. James had a long teaching career of 49 years, 39 of them at the College, and Darla taught for 23 years. Both of the Logues had a deep and abiding belief in higher education. It is for this reason that this scholarship was established.  

One of Jim's great joys of teaching at Penn College was the number of students he taught who were first-generation college students. Darla was the first member of her family to attend and graduate from college. Jim and Darla valued their educations and realized that a solid foundation for a life well-lived is grounded in a good education.

As the recipient of this scholarship, it is hoped that you will set a new tradition in your family by being the first in a long line of future college graduates. We wish you much success as you embark on your education and future career.



  • Enrolled in any major
  • Are a first generation college student
  • Enrolled full-time
  • Be a first-year student

Penn College Scholarship Application

Required GPA

  • 3.0