matches /academics/tutoring-services/college-reading-learning-association-certification ... percision: 3 of
What is College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Certification, and what's the history of CRLA at Penn College?
Penn College received International Tutoring Certification from the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA), an international organization of learning assistance professionals. CRLA certification establishes professional standards for tutoring services, including training and evaluation. To obtain certification, a minimum level of training, skills, and experience must be demonstrated. The voluntary certification process enhances the professionalism and effectiveness of the tutoring program. The certification process dictates the modes of training considered to be acceptable and the specific area of training that must be addressed. Specific tutor-selection and tutor-evaluation criteria also must be followed.
In May 2000, the Tutoring Center at Penn College received the Regular/Level I International Tutoring Certification. Regular/Level I Certification requires that tutors have a minimum of ten hours of training and 25 hours of tutoring experience in order to be certified.
In November 2002, the Tutoring Center received the Advanced/Level II certification, a second level of certification, from the CRLA. Advanced/Level II certification requires an additional minimum ten hours of training (for a total of 20 hours) and an additional 25 hours of experience (for a total of 50 hours).
The Tutoring Center was recertified in June 2005, June 2009, June 2014, and December 2019. The five-year certification periods covers Level I and Level II certification for both the Tutoring Center and Writing Center. For both recertification processes, the centers had to submit an extensive recertification application packet documenting all the training offered to tutors, as well as detailed descriptions of tutoring practices, policies, and procedures.
As of Fall 2023, 152 tutors have been certified at Level I, and 37 have been certified at Level II.
Visit the CRLA website .
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