- Accessible Parking and Entrances Accessibility in the Library Services Retrieving Materials Photocopying Research Assistance Guidelines Procedures Software/Hardware Available
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The Madigan Library is committed to providing equal access to all library resources and collections for all library patrons. Our policy is to provide, whenever possible, arrangements that enable library users with disabilities to work independently. Where independent use of library services and collections is difficult, the Madigan Library will make provisions, as needed, to facilitate access and use of the Library's resources and collections.
Assistive Technology stations are located in LIB102 classroom, LIB135 Reference, and near the microfilm machines located outside of LIB222.
It is the joint requirement of the Madigan Library and Disability Services that students needing to use assistive technologies must first be trained by a member of Disability Services. Students may then utilize the assistive technologies available in the Madigan Library. Other users may inquire at the Circulation or Reference Desks for assistance.
Software/Hardware Available
Sorenson Video Relay Services - A Sorenson video phone allows users who are deaf or hearing-impaired to communicate via sign language. Users may check out the remote and key to LIB114 to use this service.
Zoom Text Magnifier - Magnifier/screen reader software that provides a full range of magnification levels up to 16x. Synthetic voice reads documents, Web pages, and email to accommodate low vision users, as well as those with learning and physical impairments.
Kurzweil 3000 - This scanning and reading software package is available for students with learning disabilities or reading difficulties. Printed text is scanned into the program using a scanner. The electronic text is then read by a synthetic voice.
JAWS for Windows - On-demand screen reader software designed to accommodate blind and visually impaired users, as well as those with learning and physical disabilities.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking - Speech recognition software designed to accommodate learning, physical, and visual disabilities.
Trackball Mouse - An alternative mouse system that requires movement only by the fingers. It is designed to accommodate users with limited mobility in the hands or arms, or who lack fine motor skills.
Electric Adjustable Height Workstation - For users who need to have the keyboard or monitor adjusted to optimal viewing level. The height is adjustable with the push of a button from 30" to 48".
20" Flat Screen Monitor - Allows for the continuous display of magnified material without excessive scrolling.
Optical Character Recognition Scanner - Optical character recognition (OCR) is the process of converting an image of text, such as a scanned paper document or electronic fax file, into computer-editable text. After OCR, you can export the converted text and use it with a variety of word-processing, page layout and spreadsheet applications. OCR also enables screen readers and refreshable Braille displays to read the text contained in images.
Headphone and Speaker System - Aids users with limited hearing and for the visually impaired who use devices that read material.
Audiocassette and CD Players - Listen to lectures and record notes.
Magnifying Glass - Available for check out at the Main Circulation Desk.
Kensington Keyboard and Mouse with Gel Wrist Supports - These are available for checkout at the at the Main Circulation Desk.
OPTELEC Spectrum Jr. - This equipment is useful for reading mail and newspapers, checking prescriptions, writing letters or paying bills. It provides magnification of text, photos, and graphics in full color on a 14" screen. A color-kill switch provides contrast black and white viewing. It is located in LIB114.
PDF Equalizer - This reads PDF documents to the user.
JSay Pro - This software brings together Dragon Naturally Speaking and JAWS for Windows.
Topaz Video Magnifier This desktop magnifier with a 19" LCD flat panel monitor has split screen function so that both computer and reading camera can be displayed. Adjustable magnification and positive-negative contrast control are also available. The magnifier is designed to accommodate visual impairments. It is located in LIB114.
- Accessible Parking and Entrances Accessibility in the Library Services Retrieving Materials Photocopying Research Assistance Guidelines Procedures Software/Hardware Available
matches /academics/madigan-library/information/about/assistive-technology ... percision: 3 of