Metal Fabrication Technology

Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.)
metal fab student

About this program

Tomorrow needs skilled workers with technical know-how. When you define your future at Penn College, you'll take on the exact skills that employers want most. This industry-driven program delivers competitive-edge training in welding, machining, and sheet metal fabrication. Small class sizes. Strong industry connections. And opportunities to earn dual degrees in related areas take career prospects to even greater heights!


Hours Per Week of Hands-on Time in Labs

Earn Industry Certifications

Master Welding, Machining, & Sheet Metal Processes


  • Metal fabricator
  • Production technician 
  • Assembler 

At Penn College, we believe your educational experience should go beyond specialized skills. Real-world ready means taking a broader approach that builds communication skills, inspires collaboration, and encourages exploration of arts, history, and science.

​​Specialization requires in-depth knowledge and high-level proficiency. Students learn and apply major-specific concepts, skills, and methods.

  • Mill Applications (MTT128)
  • Lathe Applications (MTT129)
  • Welding Blueprint & Layout (WEL102)
  • Welding for NDT I (WEL103)
  • Welding for NDT II (WEL104)
  • Basic CNC Programming (WEL240)
  • Machine Tool Applications (MTT213)
  • Fixture Design & Fabrication (MTT222)
  • Welding Blueprint & Layout II (WEL252)
  • Sheet Metal Forming & Fabrication (MTT130)
  • Abrasive Machining & Heat Treatment (MTT216)
  • Introduction to Metallurgy (MSC106)

​Perspectives are points of view, offering a variety of ways of understanding, interacting, and influencing the world. Students identify, explain, and utilize the approaches used by academics and professionals to study, analyze, or understand problems, and offer solutions.

  • Core Arts Perspective (ARP) or
  • Core Applied Arts Perspective (AAP) or
  • Core Global & Cultural Diversity Perspective (CDP) or
  • Core Historical Perspective (HIP) or
  • Social Science Elective (SSE)

​​Foundations are the practical, intellectual, and social skills: communication, collaboration, critical and ethical thinking, quantitative thinking, and technological literacy that are crucial to every student at every stage of education and at every stage of life.

  • College Algebra & Trigonometry I (MTH181)
  • Information, Technology & Society (CSC124)
  • English Composition I (ENL111)
  • Technical & Professional Communication (ENL201)

Next steps...

You're on your way to becoming a tomorrow maker.

Featured Video

Metal Fabrication Technology

Students learn foundational skills in machining and welding, preparing them for a variety of rewarding manufacturing careers.

Tour Schedule

Seeing is believing.

Think Penn College might be a good fit for you? Make plans to visit and discover what hands-on learning is all about.

Apr 6

Undergraduate Open House

Sunday, April 69 AM - 3 PM


More tour dates are on the way.

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Admissions Office


Larry A. Ward Machining Technologies Center

Get hands-on experience in our specialized, newly renovated labs using industry-standard equipment just like you’ll see in the real world.

Student Experience

“The way we learn, we have lecture for 45 minutes to an hour a day, then we get out in the shop and are out there for three or four hours, or even more if we want to stay later. ”

Kevin McGinty



Your knowledge in practice

Internships are key for career preparation. Apply your knowledge to the workplace and learn about the industry first-hand.

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Student Life

Lead and put your skills to the test

Baja SAE

Join other students, across various majors, and apply your skills to design a vehicle to compete in regular Baja SAE competitions.

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American Welding Society (AWS)

Work together as a team on club projects and gain exposure to the welding industry through tours of local and regional businesses. 

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Student Organizations at Penn College

Your college experience is about more than the classroom. Join one of 65+ clubs and organizations, or create your own.

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Penn College News

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

College, Lycoming Engines host state labor & industry secretary

Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Labor & Industry Nancy A. Walker visited Williamsport on Monday and received a wide-ranging view into the innovative advancements occurring at Lycoming Engines and Pennsylvania College of Technology.

Monday, February 10, 2025

State labor & industry secretary tours college

Lycoming Engines and Pennsylvania College of Technology hosted state Secretary of Labor & Industry Nancy A. Walker on Monday, providing tours of facilities and insights into the innovative work being accomplished by the longstanding corporate partners.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Penn College students top nation in manufacturing scholarships

Students from Pennsylvania College of Technology’s School of Engineering Technologies lead the nation in scholarships bestowed by a foundation devoted to skilled manufacturing careers. Penn College students earned 11 of the 59 scholarships awarded for the Spring 2025 semester by SparkForce.

Study Abroad

Gain global experience

See the world via Williamsport. Take your education abroad and get hands-on experience learning about your industry on a global scale.

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Student Experience

The community as their classroom

Living Outside 'You'

George Settle III trekked to the Middle East, bound for the Home of Hope, where he hoped to teach welding skills to a few of the children living there – many used, abused or abandoned, picked up by police from the streets of Beirut. In the process, the children taught him.

Read George's story
More Information

The machining course work in this associate degree is included in the Accredited Testing/Certification Institute for the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). This accreditation enables our certified faculty to offer NIMS certification exams to our students or to award alternative credit to those students who have already successfully completed certification exams.

View general transfer information

Alternative Credit refers to academic credits earned through means other than traditional college course completion, including: credit by exam, articulation, proof of competency gained in high school, work/life experience, and advanced placement.

Visit the Alternative Credit Options page for requirements and procedures and for information on credit through Advanced Placement.

The first two semesters of the program focus on machining courses. It is recommended that students review the Automated Manufacturing & Machining Required Tools list to determine what tools and supplies they will need to purchase for this phase of the major.

The final two semesters of the program focus on welding courses. It is recommended that students review the Welding Tools & Supplies list to determine what tools and supplies they will need to purchase for this phase of the major.

Personal Protection Equipment and tools are available for purchase through The College Store .

  • Mr. Robert Blauser, '96, '00, Vice President of Operations, GSM Industrial
  • Mr. Richard A Conrad, Jr., '02, Field Application Engineer, Hobart/Miller Electric
  • Mr. Jacob D Fisher, '10, Plant Manager, High Steel Structures LLC.
  • Mr. Eric F Geier, '17, Operations Leadership Rotation Future Leader, Aerojet Rocketdyne
  • Mr. Matthew Hillyer, Welding Engineer, Johnson Controls Navy Systems
  • Mr. Wayne A Leone, Welder Training & Testing for Susq. Nuclear Power Plant, PP&L
  • Mr. Michael Sebergandio, '01, '03, Quality Engineer - Welding, Case New Holland
  • Mr. Brian A Thompson, Owner, Jasper Steel Works, LLC
  • Mr. Richard Wagoner, Principal Construction Training Leader, UGI Utilities
  • Mr. Dave Watson, Sales Engineer, Lincoln Electric
  • Career Fair Connections

    Penn College graduates are in high demand. Employer participation at the Career Fair is proof. Attracting 400+ organizations, this popular event is hosted twice per year and introduces students to all types of businesses from startups to Fortune 500 companies. 

    Learn More About Career Fair