matches /academics/bas/core-courses/mathematics-department/calculator-rationale ... percision: 3 of
From Beyond Crossroads: Implementing Mathematics Standards in the First Two Years of College 2006, the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), pp.55-56:
Technology enhances the learning of mathematics, when used appropriately as a tool, to achieve the following:
- explore new concepts and discover patterns
- examine, organize, analyze, and visualize real-world data
- develop understanding of mathematical ideas
- make connections among and between mathematical ideas
- provide a visualization of mathematical models
- provide symbolic, graphical, and/or numerical evidence to support or dispel student-formulated conjectures
In addition, technology helps students document the validity of their mathematical/critical thinking process, facilitating and enriching the learning processes and the development of problem-solving skills.
Students will be expected to use technology to do the following:
- enhance their understanding of mathematics
- discover mathematical concepts and patterns
- perform mathematical tasks
- visualize different representations of the same mathematical concept
- formulate and test conjectures about mathematical concepts and procedural rules
- communicate mathematical information and ideas.
For a complete copy of Beyond Crossroads, please access where you may download the PDF file.
Position Statements on the use of technology in mathematics instruction are available from AMATYC at:
matches /academics/bas/core-courses/mathematics-department/calculator-rationale ... percision: 3 of