- Complete the Integrated Assessment Plan:
- Review chapter drafts.
- Collect appendices.
- Update existing materials/practices (e.g., accredited/certified majors).
- Present full draft for review to key staff.
- Publish the plan.
- Apply assessment methodology to revised Goals of the Core Curriculum:
- Gather additional assessment "best practices" that reference the core goals; add to public website.
- Design professional development sessions to assist faculty, instituting an across-the-curriculum approach/responsibility for assessing core.
- Identify/Develop suggested strategies for assessing core within the majors; post on public website.
- Contribute to the revision of Program Review as requested/appropriate.
- Prepare for Middle States Association accreditation self-study:
- Review Commission publications on assessment.
- Review 2002 self-study and 2007 PR&R assessment chapters; develop list of recommendations and also changes in assessment-relevant institutional practice since those years.
- Identify areas of strength and weakness vis a vis Commission expectations; determine how best to address the weaknesses and initiate strategies.
- Respond to the deficits identified by 2008 NSSE:
- Review data indicating significant change from the 2006 NSSE as well as significant (negative) deviation from peers.
- Rank the items so as to identify areas of greatest concern using institutional mission as the determinant.
- Identify strategies for validating and measuring the identified areas of concern.
- Draft recommendations.