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Join Chris Norris, state president of The Ancient Order of Hibernians of America, and James C. McMahon, College controller, for the story of their travels through Ireland in a program to be held in the Penn College Library from 7-8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 20. For more information, contact the International Programs Office (SASC, Room 1083).

Over the years, Pennsylvania College of Technology athletic teams have had their share of success, but nothing has come close to matching the achievements of the past week. Competing in the Commonwealth Campus Athletic Conference for the first time, six Penn College teams went into finals in four sports and five came out winners.

Encouraging high-school and middle-school girls to participate in science and math activities is the subject of the November episode of Pennsylvania College of Technology's public affairs TV series "Penn College & You," which will examine the low proportion of women in science and technical careers.

Information Technology Services asks the campus community for continued patience and understanding regarding the problem of "spam." We recognize that an increasing amount of spam (often pornographic in nature) is finding its way into your mailboxes. Although our filters stop an average of 30,000 spam messages a day, we cannot block them all without also blocking legitimate e-mail.

By Juli Reppert, Student Writer/Photographer Alcohol Awareness Week, to be held Oct. 18-24 at Pennsylvania College of Technology, provides many fun and informative ways for students to learn about the effects and consequences of alcohol use and abuse. There will be educational activities, lectures, giveaways, movies, free food and more for students all week long.

The Penn College Fitness Center Open House Party will be held Monday, Oct. 18., from 3 to 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.

With his senior project, a Pennsylvania College of Technology student proved he could create an electronic process for bottling perfume that large companies, including French manufacturer Chanel, didn't believe could be accomplished. Chad E. Wagner, Williamsport, is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering Technology.

After touring the renovated Klump Academic Center on Thursday, the Penn College Board of Directors approved Residence Life on-campus housing rates for 2005-06 and OK'd some routine midyear budget adjustments.

The Office of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning is sponsoring participation in the Teaching Online in Higher Education Conference. This year's theme is "Politics, Ethics and Online Instruction." Offered entirely via the Internet, TOHE features presentations and discussions on topics that are quickly becoming the focus of debates on many campuses. The conference will be held Nov.

Angela D. Rymer, a junior Business Administration-Marketing major from Jersey Shore, has been chosen as the Student Government Association's "Student of the Month" for October. Active on and off campus, Rymer is vice president of the Penn College chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, a national organization for students preparing for careers in business.