HVAC Juniors Gain Practical Insight During Industry Tour
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Juniors in the Advanced HVAC Design class traveled to Air Management Technologies in Lewisburg on Wednesday to experience the workings of a typical mechanical contractor. The visit was arranged by James R. O'Reilly, an adjunct member of Penn College’s plumbing, heating and air conditioning faculty who is employed by AMT as a sales engineer. Co-workers Mark Newcomer and John Hoffmaster, a graduate of Williamsport Area Community College, conducted the tour, explaining the design steps involved in heat-recovery applications for commercial bakeries and showing students an equipment skid being fabricated. The students asked many questions, and shared some of their plans for summer internships and career goals. AMT President Scott Houtz, whose son, Bradley, is attending Penn College, provided lunch. "The trip was a success all around," O'Reilly said, "and it added another dimension to the class as they look forward to careers in the HVAC industry."