Effective Fall 2024

Students learn to apply advanced collision repair techniques and principles in diagnosing damage and prescribing corrective work. The major emphasizes collision repair shop management, as well as the theory and skills of metal and plastic repair, MIG and plastic welding, unibody straightening, multi-component paint systems, estimating, and hazardous-material handling. Basic and advanced collision repair skills are stressed, coupled with an understanding of business principles.

Career Opportunities

Independent collision repair shop owner/operator, assistant collision repair manager, service equipment representative, insurance estimator, skilled jobs involving paint application in manufacturing or service industries, dealer service specialist.

Special Equipment Needs

See program Tool List for major.

Laptop Computer Required

  • Windows 11 or higher (recommended).
  • Intel Core i5 or i7 (generation 10 or higher) processor (recommended).
  • 8+ GB RAM (recommended).
  • 250+ GB Solid State Disk (SSD) drive (recommended).
  • Laptop must include a webcam and microphone (required).
  • Laptop must include a wireless network card (required).
  • Broadband Internet connection when working off campus (required).
  • Additional plug-ins may be required (Information Technology Services Service Desk available for assistance).
  • Chromebooks and other devices running Chrome OS are prohibited.

Remediation Strategies

All incoming students must meet placement requirements in math. Students are expected to remediate any deficiencies as explained in the College Catalog (see https://www.pct.edu/catalog/admissions-policy).

Program Goals

A graduate of this major should be able to:
  • apply industry standards in refinishing, plastic repair, structural repair, non-structural repair, and estimating.
  • apply the principles of critical thinking, quantitative and qualitative logic, analysis, and synthesis of actual comprehensive problems of the types occurring in the collision repair industry.
  • write clear, concise, and accurate repair orders, technical reports, and collision-related business letters.
  • secure employment as a collision repair technician or manager in a collision-related business or complete a four-year degree.


First SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
FYE101First Year Experience 1.50 1.50 SREQ
ABC100Introduction to Non-Structural Collision Repair 22 MREQ
ABC104Introduction to Non-Structural Collision Repair Applications 3 9 MREQ
ABC110Collision Estimating 32 3 MREQ
MTH123Technical Algebra & Trigonometry I 32.50 1.50 SREQ
MTH181College Algebra & Trigonometry I 32.50 1.50 SREQ
ABC125Basic Refinishing 22 MREQ
ABC129Basic Refinishing Applications 3 9 MREQ
AMT104Hybrid Electric Vehicle 11 MREQ
Second SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
ABC115Fundamentals of Electrical/Electronic & Air Conditioning 22 MREQ
ABC116Electrical/Electronic & Air Conditioning Applications 1 3 MREQ
ABC127Chassis Alignment, Steering & Suspension Principles 22 MREQ
ABC128Chassis Alignment, Steering & Suspension Application 1 3 MREQ
ABC105Collision Repair Welding Procedures & Applications 32 3 MREQ
CSC124Information, Technology & Society 33 SREQ
ENL111English Composition I 33 SREQ
Third SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
ABC209Collision-Related Mechanical Principles 22 MREQ
ABC210Collision-Related Mechanical Application 2 6 MREQ
ABC207Structural Repair Procedures 22 MREQ
ABC208Structural Repair Procedures Laboratory 4 12 MREQ
ABCCollision Repair Elective 3 MABC
ENL201Technical & Professional Communication 33 SREQ
SCIScience Elective 3 SSCI
Fourth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
ABC226Advanced Refinishing Theory 22 MREQ
ABC227Advanced Refinishing Laboratory 4 12 MREQ
ABC228Repair Procedures Fundamentals 22 MREQ
ABC229Repair Procedures Applications 3 9 MREQ
ABC345Collision Repair Operations 3Writing Enriched Requirement3 MREQ
ARPCore Arts Perspective 3 SARP
AAPCore Applied Arts Perspective 3 SAAP
CDPCore Global & Cultural Diversity Perspective 3 SCDP
SSPCore Social Science Perspective 3 SSSP
HIPCore Historical Perspective 3 SHIP


Accredited by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF).